Earth Path Education Programming in the community.



GIrls age 9-11

Winter is the time to go within and connect with our creativity, it is also a time to cozy in with friends and share our dreams and visions.

The Winter Roots circle for Rainbow Mountain girls will be an opportunity to connect with the spirit of winter through crafting, ritual, sharing and fire. 

Week 1 and 2
Spirit of Fire

We will be learning about how to honor fire and make fire by friction. We will learn how to build a fire and start it as our ancestors have for thousands of years before us. 

Week 3 and 4
Magic of Cacao and Chocolate Making

I studied in a Zapotec Village in Mexico how to make cacao toasting the beans over the fire and grinding the beans into a paste with a stone grinder, I am honored to bring this ancient chocolate making technique to the Winter Roots Circle.

This class will redefine what you think of as chocolate.  We will focus on the main ingredient in chocolate: cacao.  Many native peoples who were within the range of cacao's natural habitat revered it as a sacred medicine, only to be used in ceremony.

In this class we will use ceremonial grade cacao from Guatemala to make sugar and dairy free delicious chocolate treats and beverages.  We will experiment with a variety of superfood ingredients including some locally wildcrafted herbs using cacao as a base to alchemize the mixture.

Most importantly, we will come away with more love and respect for our plant ally cacao and a knowledge of how to respectfully call on her for healing.

Week 5, 6, and 7
Handmade Leather Bound Journals

We will be sewing and learning to make leather bound Dream Journals.

Week 8
Sharing our Dreams and Visions and Making Hot Chocolate over the fire, Closing Fire

Sharing & closing circle.